Application procedure
You can apply for the Dance Intensive via the application form or the button below.
Dancers under 18, need to have their parents/guardians fill in the consent form as well.
Apply for the Royal Conservatoire International Dance Intensive '25
All applications must be received before June 1st, 2025. The application must include:
- Video link (You Tube only): 6-minute maximum, ballet + contemporary class material (no barre)
- Video Link (You Tube only): 6-minute maximum, practice or performance to solo or variation
(not necessary if coaching is not applied for)
If you have any questions, please contact Marishka van Loon.
Dance Intensive
It is only after receiving confirmation of acceptance that participants will be asked to pay the course fees:
- Advanced & Pre-professional Dance Intensive course fee: € 550
- Royal Conservatoire student fee: € 350
Participants will be asked to pay the full tuition fee after receiving confirmation of acceptance but before June 15th, 2025. An invoice with payment details will be sent by email after the application has been accepted by our administration.
These fees include all dance classes, workshops, coaching. Not included are all drinks, food, evening activities, personal expenses, and accommodation. We do offer a list of travel and accommodation partners, but the applicant is responsible for organizing and paying for his/her own travel and accommodation costs.
Due to a limited number of places, a selection for groups will be made based on a short video and the applicant’s application form information. Only applicants who receive a confirmation of acceptance will be admitted to the Dance Intensive classes.
Additional information
1st of June – Application is closed. You should have received our confirmation e-mail with the payment request link.
10th of June – Payments should be made to confirm your participation.
Applications that are not paid are no longer valid after this date.
The closing date for all applications is June 1st, 2025.
- Applicants must be dancers or choreographers with an advanced, pre-professional or professional level between the ages of 12 and 25 years old on June 15th, 2025.
- Participants will be selected from the applications submitted and shall be notified of the results through their email address.
- Applications cannot be accepted without the requested videos.
- The decision of the administration is final, and no correspondence will be entered into if the result of the application is not favourable.
- In case the administration must cancel the Dance Intensive, all paid course fees will be refunded to the participant.
- The administration reserves the right to change the members of the faculty in the event of illness or any other unforeseen circumstance.
- All participants must bring appropriate dancewear. Women are expected to bring enough pointe shoes for the duration of the course.
- The final schedule for the course will be posted on-line and on the notice board of the studios on the first day of the course.
- The administration cannot be held responsible for any damage or injury, however caused, to any person attending the course or to third parties, nor for the loss or damage of any property, on or off the premises of the course or outside the course.
- The participant is obliged to take out personal health, travel, and accident insurance and bring the information with them.
- Cancellation conditions:
Cancellations before June 15th – no costs.
Between June 15th and July 15th costs € 165,- (30% course fees)
Between 16th July – 31st August – costs € 225,- (50% course fees)
After 1st August – costs € 550,- (100% course fees) - No participant can attend the course if they suffer from a pre-existing injury that prevents them from fully participating in the course.
- Classes are not compulsory but will not be refunded if missed.
- During the course, the administration may take photographs and/or make recordings (both audio and video) for archives and/or publicity purposes. By registering into our Dance Intensive, participants grant Royal Conservatoire Dance, The Hague the right to use their image in promotional material (print, internet and other media).
- Conditions for the Dance Intensive might be changed over time. In case this happens, the administration will notify the applicants in a timely manner by email.
- For any other unforeseen event or situation that these terms and conditions do not explicitly cover, the decision of the administration is final.
Participants will organize their own transport and accommodation in The Hague.
In our confirmation mail, we will provide a list of hotels that offer a special discount for our participants.
It is mandatory that the participant takes out personal health, travel, and accident insurances. The administration cannot be held responsible for any damage or injury, however caused, to any person attending the course or third parties, nor for the loss or damage of any property, on or off the premises of the course or of the accommodation.
Cancellations before June 15th – no costs.
Between June 15th and July 15th costs € 165,- (30%
course fees)
Between 16th July – 1st August
– costs € 225,- (50% course fees)
After 1st August – costs € 550,-
(100% course fees)