Quality Culture
At the Royal Conservatoire, we have designed our Quality Culture approach as a ∞ lemniscate. The lemniscate is an old global symbol for infinity, eternal movement or for value that increases without limit. It is also perceived as a symbol for harmony and balance. The Quality Culture approach at the Royal Conservatoire is based on our conviction that by connecting internal and external knowledge and feedback, the quality of both our improvement processes and external accountability can be optimised and conducted successfully.
Information gained by internal QA tools (e.g. student and employee surveys, alumni feedback and professional stakeholders meetings), as well as feedback from professional peers through accreditation or external feedback processes, provide us with a clear picture of the actual Quality level of our institute and help us identify areas for improvement. Based on this information, improvement plans, and quality action plans are formulated and implemented. Of course (where possible) we also make improvements immediately. One can regard this as the internal cycle for quality. Results of such investigations and improvement measures are also an important basis for self-evaluation reports, or in general, for the external accountability we need to provide during external review processes, which signifies the external cycle. Both cycles are connected: the internal cycles impacts on the external cycle and vice versa.
All of the programmes at the Royal Conservatoire have been assessed by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). The NVAO’s decisions and its reports for each programme can be found here.
Click here for more general information regarding the programmes.
Read more about planning for 2020 - 2026 on continuous improvement here.
- Th&ma: De lemniscaat van continue verbetering . You can read the article here. (Dutch only)
- Kwaliteit in bedrijf: Samen werken en leren. You can read the article here. (Dutch only)
- Hoger Onderwijs management: De Lemniscaat van continue verbetering. You can read the article here. (Dutch only)
- Paper EQAF 2018. Broadening the scope of QA. You can read the article here.
- Paper EQAF 2021. Building trust and enhancement: From information to evidence. You can read the article here.
More information?
Please contact Janneke Ravenhorst, Quality Culture.