What a great idea to apply for the Young KC Music informeel voorspelen! Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.

Apply informeel voorspelen Young KC Music

Yes, I want to apply for informeel voorspelen!

What is the child's date of birth?
What instrument do you play or what is your voice type?
What school do you attend at this moment and in which class are you?
What type of education are you currently enrolled in? (Primary school, VMBO, HAVO, atheneum or gymnasium)
How long have you had lessons?
Who is your current teacher?
Is your current teacher aware of your wish to come to informeel voorspelen? Is he/ she coming along for the informeel voorspelen?
Are you member of an orchestra or ensemble? If so, which one?
What is the average amount of time you are currently practising/ studying per day?
What is your current repertoire and what have you been studying?
Who is your favourite composer and why? And what is your favourite composition? Please explain.
Why do you want to come to informeel voorspelen?
Here, you can paste a link to a video-recording of yourself.

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