In academic year 2024/25 we organise two Muziek als Vak masterclass weekends. These take place in November (16 & 17) and April (12 & 13).
The weekends take a broad approach at Kodály-inspired music teaching – in the (school) classroom, in individual instrumental lesson, or at your choir or orchestral rehearsals. During these weekends participants will both work on their own musicianship, and on their methodological skills. We offer a variety of active workshops, taught by our own teaching staff and exciting international guest teachers.
Within the program - which is suitable for everyone! - we offer two so-called 'suggested routes'. The workshops within these routes are coordinated to form a coherent programme. This makes them extra suitable for two specific groups of participants: pabo- and Music in Education students and graduates. You are of course also welcome to attend other workshops; you create your own programme. This also applies the other way around: if you are not a pabo-student, you are still very welcome to attend a workshop on that 'route'.
Photo: Alex Schröder