‘We want to bring music to everyone.’ Sofia and Renske are in the fourth year of the Bachelor of Music Teaching.

The Bachelor of Music Teaching course devotes a lot of attention to the student’s personal artistic development, according to Renske. ‘I chose for The Hague because I am determined to be a musician as well as a teacher. Both aspects are very important here.’ ‘You can inspire your students even more when your musical persona comes to the fore,’ Sofia adds.

Students in the fourth year of the Bachelor’s programme have to conduct research. Sofia and Renske have joined forces for their research project, which is to develop a participation concert for senior citizens. ‘The Music Teaching curriculum is so broad that you can move in any direction and work with any target group. You are certainly not just being trained to teach in schools.’ Sofia and Renske have met at the Royal Conservatoire and plan to continue working together. ‘In the future we would like to work as music teachers, while continuing to make music together and further developing our project for the elderly.’

Photographer: Marijn Smulders (alumnus KABK). This picture is taken at the construction site of Amare. In the summer of 2021, the Royal Conservatoire will move to this new building, together with the Residentie Orkest, Nederlands Dans Theater and Zuiderstrandtheater.

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