Diversity and Inclusion

The Royal Conservatoire has been working on community, awareness and empowerment from a diversity and inclusion perspective which is connected to students’ health and well-being. For example, one of the Well-being Wednesdays focussed on ‘A sense of belonging’ and tutors and research supervisors have received a training session on bias. In recent years, students have attended and contributed to Share the Stage, an online platform in collaboration with students and staff of our partner institution, the Royal Academy of Arts. Topics of Share the Stage sessions have included Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ and Womxn in the Arts. This platform raises awareness and offers students the opportunity to share and feel empowered. Additionally, members of the Diversity Working Group helped organise the Diversity Symposium: From Talk to Action at the Royal Conservatoire back in December 2019.

The goal is to incorporate diversity and inclusion principles in policy and practice as part of a systemic and cultural change, putting inclusive education at the centre for positive change. For more information, take a look at our diversity and inclusion page.