Practical Exam (audition)

For the first round of the audition (pre-selection) we ask you to send in recordings of the pieces as mentioned below. You can record the different pieces in separate takes.

If you are invited for the second round, you can prepare the same pieces. Please bring a program with you, so the jury knows what you have prepared. The audition will take 20-25 minutes, including the Master Project Plan interview.

  • performance pieces: in total at least three style periods of which one baroque or classical and one contemporary (20th century)

  • two studies

  • when opting for the Orchestra Master: some orchestra parts

When relevant pieces with relation to the Master Project Plan.

Master Project Plan

Before you start the master you must hand in a Master Project Plan. In your Master Project Plan you present your plans for the design of your master's programme and your Master Project in which your artistic development, research and entrepreneurship play an important role.

See the Master Project Plan Guidelines document at the end of the page.

Alessandra and Jonty talk about the Master Project

Need help getting started with designing your Master Project Plan? Watch the video below for some inspiration.