The contributions of the Friends of the Royal Conservatoire support the development of a number of special projects designed to help students prepare for their future international professional practice. As a friend you will be inspired, learn more about the Royal Conservatoire and the students and will be involved in special activities.

The Royal Conservatoire in The Hague is the country’s oldest conservatory. Every day we endeavour to provide the best possible education and exciting projects for our talented students in order to prepare them for an international career as a musician. What makes the difference is the special projects we offer for our outstanding talent in addition to the regular curriculum. We need your support to organise these projects. Your contribution will not only help the students, but also provide a crucial boost for the development of the climate for music and dance in The Hague and the rest of the Netherlands. Many of our alumni are among the top musicians and dancers in the world today.

The Friends of the Royal Conservatoire are devoted visitors, lovers of music and dance and anyone with a warm place in their heart for the Conservatoire and its students. The Friends of the Royal Conservatoire is a foundation with ANBI status. This means that it is regarded as a Public Benefit Organisation and gifts and donations made to it are tax deductible under Dutch fiscal law.

The Friends of the Royal Conservatoire’s board consists of:

Marleen Zuijderhoudt, chair
Carla Hoogweg, treasurer
Jaap Grijmans
Hilgen Smit

Your support
The Friends of the KC support the development of special projects for talented students of the Royal Conservatoire. With your help we can allow our students to learn from the masters in the profession by forming partnerships with renowned musicians and dancers, professional orchestras, dance companies and ensembles. Friendship works both ways of course, and we will happily involve you in special activities organised by the Royal Conservatoire so that you can get to know the talented young artists.

The benefits enjoyed by Friends of the Royal Conservatoire include:

  • an invitation to the annual meeting of friends in combination with a concert, a performance or a guided tour (for two persons)
  • a membership card that gives you discounts for special concerts/ performances
  • a digital newsletter four times a year
  • a copy of the quarterly brochures of the season’s events at the Royal Conservatoire delivered to your home

Your contribution
You can join the Friends of the Royal Conservatoire for an annual contribution of €50, but a higher contribution is naturally always welcome. Annual membership corresponds with the academic year and runs from September to August. Every year you will receive a membership card allowing you to profit from attractive discounts during the academic year.

Become a Friend

Structural support

Would you like to offer more structural support? If you make your donation over at least a five-year period and sign a donation agreement to that effect, your gift will be completely deductible from your taxable income in the Netherlands. An annual donation of €100 as a Friend of the Royal Conservatoire can end up costing you a nett sum of €58! The calculator found here will help you find out what the tax advantage is in your specific situation.

Send us a fully filled out donation agreement and we will take care of the rest.

Stuur mij het Vrienden formulier


Met iedere gift, groot of klein, periodiek of eenmalig zijn talenten enorm blij. U kunt te allen tijde uw gift overmaken op NL61 ABNA 0877 6465 38 t.a.v. Stichting Fonds Koninklijk Conservatorium onder vermelding van ‘Gift talent KC’.

Uw schenking verloopt via het Fonds Koninklijk Conservatorium dat de ANBI-status heeft. De schenking is daardoor vrijgesteld van schenk- en erfbelasting. Uw gift komt dus geheel ten goede aan onze studenten. Uw bijdrage aan het fonds is bovendien verhoogd aftrekbaar van uw belastbaar inkomen en deze kost u netto daarom minder dan het bedrag dat u schenkt. Hier vindt u een rekenmodule waar u gemakkelijk kunt zien welk belastingvoordeel u dat kan opleveren.

Meer informatie over het Fonds KC en de ANBI-status vindt u hier.

Wilt u maximaal plezier hebben van belastingvoordeel, leg dan uw schenking voor minstens 5 jaar vast met een periodieke schenkingsovereenkomst (minimum: €100 per jaar)

Mail ons en wij sturen u de overeenkomst graag toe.