Welcome to the admission procedure for your course at the Royal Conservatoire.
Every step of the registration procedure is described and explained below and all you have to do is complete each step in the process. Clicking on the + will reveal additional information. When you click on Studielink you will leave our website. After applying you will receive an e-mail from Studielink with a link to Osiris Online Application, which is part of our Student Administration System. You will upload all the requested documents to that page. If you have any questions during the process, please contact the student administration office at studentadministration@koncon.nl.
Don't forget to check the general admission requirements, these are applicable to all admissions. All information regarding the entrance exams will be published on koncon.nl/entrance-exams.
Pick a programme
- Master Specialisation Complementary Subject Classical Music & Jazz
- Master Specialisation Complementary Subject Early Music & Classical Music
- Young KC Percussion
- Bachelor Jazz Violin
- Master Historical Keyboard Instruments
- Master Basso Continuo for Harpsichord
- Master Jazz Composition
- Bachelor of Dance
- Young KC Dance
- School voor Jong Talent Dans
- Zang - Jong KC Muziek
- Bachelor Early Music Cornetto
- Master Early Music Cornetto
- Master Jazz Violin
- Master specialisation Lied
- Masterspecialisation Ensemble Singing
First, you collect all the documents necessary for your application for the first round video audition.
- A video recording
- The motivation form
- Your CV (see below)
- Dance photographs
To get a good impression of your artistic, musical, and technical capacities, we would like to receive a recording of 15-20 minutes. Your entire body should be visible and the recording needs to comply to the criteria listed in the document below. The colour of your clothing should be contrasting to the colour of the background.
Criteria Video Audition
Upload your video to a YouTube (preference) or Vimeo account (or comparable online platform). Create a PDF with all the links to your video recording(s). You can upload your document into the relevant question in the Osiris Online Application, later on in the process. Please name your upload ‘[surname] – video recording’.
Download the form and answer the questions. Upload the completed form to Osiris Online Application.
Motivation Form Artist Certificate Dance/Royal Conservatoire Dance Ensemble
Your CV should include your name, date of birth, height and weight, as well as information about your dance education and experience. Please describe: your previous degree(s), courses completed, successes, performances, exams, and prizes. Please name your document ‘[surname] – CV’.
Upload three photographs, including one portrait photo and two dance photos. Both should show your full body. Please name your upload beginning with ‘[surname] – footage’.
Go to Osiris Online Application and choose your language preference (Dutch or English). At the bottom of the following page, click on the following link to create your new account ‘If you don’t have a username/password, click here’. This account you will need to verify through the email sent to the email address you registered with. Click in the menu on Application Artist Certificate Dance.
After you have logged in to Osiris, you answer a few obligatory questions. For instance, you will have to indicate which live audition date you would like to register for, if you get through the video selection round.
Upload the documents you collected into the relevant question in Osiris. If you cannot send all your documents at once, we will send you reminders to complete your application. Keep in mind that we can only assign an audition slot for you once all documents have been received.
You can save your answers in between sessions.
Your application is complete and final, only if your answers in Osiris have been sent.
Based on your personal details and answers, your uploaded documents and your video, we will decide whether we invite you to a live audition (if you live within the EU), or whether we accept you (non-EU). In all cases - whether you are being invited for a live audition, accepted, or rejected – you will receive an email notification.