On Tuesday 6 June, the Royal Conservatoire hosted the launch of Beweging in Muziekpedagogiek, 10 jaar onderzoek en ontwikkeling (translation: Movement in Music Pedagogy, 10 years of research and development). The book is the fifth in a series that aims to describe research in music education in an informative and accessible way. The launch was particularly festive as the Muziekpedagogiek in beweging series will celebrate its tenth anniversary in 2023. In contrast to previous editions, the authors do not look so much forward to what (future) movements might occur, but rather look back over the past ten years. With a twist, this special issue was appropriately titled Beweging in Muziekpedagogiek.
After a word of welcome by Margi Kirschenmann (head of Education), Piet Hagenaars, researcher in cultural education policy, introduced the book presentation. Hagenaars gave a historical overview, from which the focus of the research could be explained. An important critical comment he made was that the nature and content of the knowledge objectives for the arts subjects deserves much more attention.
The editors Thomas De Baets and Adri de Vugt then gave an insight into the new book. Using quotations as a kind of teaser, they explained the different themes of the book.
The publication contains contributions on subject integration (Suzan Overmeer & Thomas Geudens), creativity (Melissa Bremmer & Filip Verneert), technology (Benno Spieker & Luc Nijs), music therapy (Mieke van Uytvanck & Marjolein Wagemans), musical play (Christine Nieuwmeijer) and practical research (Thomas De Baets, Tine Castelein & Adri de Vugt).
As the publication is the result of a collaboration between LUCA School of Arts and the Royal Conservatoire, Martin Prchal (vice-principal Royal Conservatoire) and Simon van Damme (general director LUCA School of Arts) were presented with the first copy.