KC welcomes our new Choral Conducting teachers

21 December 2023

The choral conducting department at the Royal Conservatoire is starting the new year with a burst of fresh energy; We are proud to introduce the new teaching staff Choral Conducting: László Nemes and Krista Audere. László and Krista are both internationally performing conductors with distinctive choral expertise.

László Nemes

László Norbert Nemes is known worldwide as one of the leading experts in the field of Kodály-inspired music education.
Since the beginning of his career, teaching and conducting choirs harmoniously coexist in his musical activities.

At the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague he is main subject teacher Choral Conducting. Next to that he is part of the team of teachers in the “Master Music Education according to the Kodály Concept” and of the team for the teacher training course “Muziek als Vak”.

‘It is a great pleasure for me to have the opportunity to pass on my experiences in the field of choir conducting and choral music education to the younger generations. In my teaching work, I would like to place equal emphasis on the artistic, vocal and pedagogical aspects of choral singing both in the context of children's and youth choirs as well as adult choirs.’
László Nemes

Krista Audere is a conductor of Latvian origin, now based in the Netherlands. She is currently the conductor of the VU-Kamerkoor, Kamerkoor Venus, and is regularly engaged as a guest conductor of the Dutch Chamber Choir, the Dutch Radio Choir and Cappella Amsterdam.
Starting in 2025 she is named as first ever Principal Guest Conductor of the Swedish Radio Choir.

As from 2024 Krista is appointed as main subject teacher Choral Conducting at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague.

Marjolein Niels, head of the Vocal Department, is also thrilled to welcome both teachers: 'We are very excited about the appointment of two major figures from the international choral world who together will take the KC's choral conducting program into a new phase.'