As an important part of professional professional preparation, we let students take to the stage and interact with audiences. This happens inside the conservatoire, but also in the Public Library or the Lutheran Church, for example, where we regularly organise free concerts. In this way, we connect with the city and remove barriers for people for whom a regular concert ticket is a big expense, and for people for whom going to a classical concert is not self-evident.
Christmas performances Choir Docent Muziek
In the week before the Christmas holidays, Docent Muziek's choir performs at various locations around the city. Among others, for vulnerable audiences such as the homeless, and sick children at the Juliana Children's Hospital.
School for Young Talent
The youngest students at the Royal Conservatoire are also involved with the residents of the city of The Hague. Jong KC, the music department of the School for Young Talent, in collaboration with HMC Westeinde, performed concerts for the paediatric and neonatology ward last year. The AKO Junior Orchestra played at the ward for sick children, parents and premature babies. They also sang and played together with one of the doctors for the healthcare staff at another time.
Lunch concerts Stair-theatre Amare
Every other week, Young KC students perform lunch concerts in Amare's Stair Theatre. Anyone interested can come and enjoy these short concerts for free. The lunch concerts are well attended and positively received by visitors and passers-by.