Are you a devotee of the Royal Conservatoire and would you like to help us and our students? Become a Donor of the RC! With your gift you can help to enable the greatest musicians and dancers of the future to fulfil their potential.

This is achieved by organising special projects like our Side by Side project with the Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century and steadily increasing the capital of the Fund for Excellence of the Royal Conservatoire, a special fund to provide scholarships for the most talented who do not have the financial resources to pay for their studies. Your contribution is of inestimable value for these exceptional students, and an investment in future generations of artists of outstanding talent.

Donating to the Fund for Excellence
Because donating is a personal choice, we think it is important that our donors can choose an amount that suits them. Every contribution is very welcome. You can decide to make a lump-sum or a periodic gift. Click here for the form.

Minister of Education, Culture and Science Ingrid van Engelshoven and former vicepresident for the Raad van State Herman Tjeenk Willink tell all about why your support for the Fund for Excellence and the Royal Conservatoire is so important.

A lump-sum gift
You can make a gift by transferring a sum of money into the bank account of the Stichting Fund for Excellence of the Royal Conservatoire under number

NL61 ABNA 0877 6465 38 referring to ‘gift’ or ‘donation’. If you are supporting us with a one-off gift between 1% and 10% of your combined income, the entire amount is deductible for 125% of your income tax purposes.

A periodic gift
The most tax-friendly form of donation is a gift for a series of consecutive years. If you donate a fixed annual amount for five years or longer and the gift is registered by notarial deed, the entire amount can be deducted for 125%of your income tax each year, with no restrictions.
Since 1 January 2014 it has no longer been necessary to formally record your structural donation in a notarial deed. All you need to do is complete and return this form.

The Fund For Excellence is a Cultural Public Benefit Organisation (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, ANBI). This means that a large amount of your gift is deductible for income tax purposes. At you will find a tax benefit calculator where you can easily find out how much a gift will cost you on an after-tax basis.

As a donor you will naturally receive invitations to special concerts or performance by our talented students. We would be happy to discuss a more specific expression of gratitude for your donation in person. It is entirely up to you whether you wish to be identified as a donor.


Would you like to discuss the possibilities before filling out the form? Email Christine Philips, Fundraising & Partnerships, or call +3170-3151440.