Master general information

As a first step in the admission procedure, we will consider your recordings and motivation form. Please consult this link regarding the application.

Video recordings
Please submit three or more video recordings with a total length of approximately 15-18 minutes. Choose pieces with different rhythmical feels that show your overall musical, artistic and technical level. Make sure to check the additional info and instructions per instrument below.

Upload the video recordings to YouTube or Vimeo. Make a PDF or word document listing the activated links and upload the document in ‘Osiris Aanmeld’.

Please be aware that the committee will choose a selection of your prepared repertoire on the day.

Second round: If you advance into the second round of the application process, it is possible to play one of the same pieces that you sent in in the first round. Our application committee would of course like to get to know you further as a musician, so new repertoire is preferred.

Motivation form
Please download the form here, answer the questions including the specific questions for the Jazz department and upload the form to ‘Osiris Aanmeld’.

Master Project Plan
Before you start the master you must hand in a Master Project Plan. In your Master Project Plan you present your plans for the design of your master's programme and your Master Project in which your artistic development, research and entrepreneurship play an important role. For the Master programme, the Master Project Plan of the candidate will also be discussed during the live-online entrance exam. See the Master Project Plan Guidelines document at the end of the page.

If you have any questions, please contact Giulia Bättig, coordinator of the Jazz Department

Please contact Student Administration if you have technical questions regarding the application and upload of documents.

Practical section entrance exam

Please submit the following recordings:

  • Two videorecordings of jazz standards, theme and improvisation. The repertoire has to consist of different tempi and styles.
  • Two pieces of your own choice (carte blanche): If possible, recent (video)-recordings of your current band/project.

Please record the repertoire preferably with live accompaniment. If this is not possible due to current circumstances, please use a playalong (iRealpro, Aebersold playalong, YouTube playalong, or self-made playalong) for accompaniment.

Please make sure the playalong is heard on your recording.

Please make sure that you are fully visible on the video-recordings!

Alessandra and Jonty talk about the Master Project

Need help getting started with designing your Master Project Plan? Watch the video below for some inspiration.