The Musician Educator is ontwikkeld voor musici die graag op een hoog niveau willen musiceren, de onderliggende mechanismen van muzikale leerprocessen willen begrijpen en deze inzichten willen toepassen op zowel zichzelf als op anderen als hooggekwalificeerde docent. Deze master beantwoord aan de groeiende behoefte om muziekonderwijs te verbeteren en onderkent het feit dat musici vaak hun uitvoeringspraktijk combineren met lesgeven. Het programma is bedoeld voor musici die zich willen ontwikkelen als performer én als educator.

Combining theory and practice

In this master you will relate theory to practice, develop your musical and artistic expertise and carry out a research project, as well as have an opportunity to teach and be involved in projects in the wider community. Beside your individual instrumental or vocal tuition, the topics you will explore include instrumental and vocal pedagogy, improvisation, performance science, entrepreneurship, and research skills. Within the curriculum there is ample space to design your own learning route. As the groups are kept small you have the unique opportunity to customise the content of some classes. In addition, there is a large offer of electives. You will have your own teaching activities, professional integration trajectory and research project.

Flexibility in crafting your own learning path

The programme caters to the individual, but also addresses a wide range of genres and cultural perspectives. There is an emphasis on collaboration and teamwork (for both students and teachers) as well as opportunities for international exchange.

Excellent career preparation

Graduates will be high-level musicians, expert and innovative teachers, and have a deep knowledge and understanding of the musical learning process. This makes them well equipped for employment in all kinds of settings, including in institutions, academia, entrepreneurial work, and on the stage.

The two-year course is aimed at students who have recently completed their first study cycle at a conservatoire, professional musicians who want to develop teaching skills and for experienced teachers who want to enhance their expertise.





2 years


Master of Music

Tuition fee

Check 'Tuition fees'

Head of Department

Margi Kirschenmann


Adri de Vugt
Values & Beliefs, Processes of Musical Learning, Research Methodologies, Program Leader

Susan Williams
Values & Beliefs, Processes of Musical Learning & Teaching, Science
and psychology of music performance, Learning Pods

Wieke Karsten
Instrumental and Vocal Pedagogy

Irma Kort
Professional Integration, Teaching Practice

Bastiaan van der Waals
Processes of Musical Learning & Teaching

Cristiano Viviani

Filip Verneert
Teacher Creativity and Expression

Renee Jonker
Collaborative Practice