The entrance exam consists of a practical and a theory part. Both sections must be passed to qualify for a place.

Practical section entrance exam

For the first round of the audition (pre-selection), we need recordings of you:

  • Please send at least two recordings with a total length of 15-20 minutes. The pieces should be chosen from different style periods and provide an opportunity to assess your technical level and musicality. Stylistic understanding and affinity with the music played will also be considered. Please find information about making a recording on the application page.

If you are through to the second round, you can prepare the same works. Please bring a programme so that the jury knows what you have prepared. The audition lasts 15-20 minutes.

Examples that can be used as a reference (other works of similar difficulty are also possible):

  • A sonata with basso continuo from the 18th Century such as works by J.S. or C.P.E. Bach, G.Ph.Telemann or G.F. Händel.
  • Movements from a suite by a French composer like F. Couperin, Boismortier or Philidor.
  • A work for traverso solo.

Theoretical section entrance exam

The theory section consists of:

  • a written hearing test
  • a written test in general music theory
  • an individual practical solfège test

Click here for theory exam examples

If you have questions about your study programme, you can get in touch with the Head of Department Teunis van der Zwart;

With technical questions regarding your application or uploading video, please contact Student Administration.