While the Royal Conservatoire remains closed to lessons, exams and meetings still continue online. Recently, our KonCon Diversity Committee met on MS Teams and its time to introduce the members!
We, the Diversity committee are made up of students, teachers, and staff, and work closely with the directorate of the Royal Conservatoire to help promote a culture of diversity. Diversity is a big issue and we are the focal point for initiatives and actions in the conservatoire. Our areas of focus include, but are not limited to: gender, LGBTQ+, accessibility, and cultural awareness and representation; diversity in teaching and learning; international student issues; connecting with diverse communities of The Hague; and of course, diversity in music creation and performance.
We are active in:
1. Leading the dialogue between teachers, staff, and students regarding diversity-related issues
2. Connecting with other institutes and organisations to share ideas and approaches to diversity
3. Supporting activities to promote diversity between individuals & departments, and between the KC and KABK
In December of 2019 we were very proud to present our first inspiration day: Diversity in The Conservatoire: From Talk to Action. This day was attended by nearly 100 people from inside and outside the conservatoire, and presentations were given by Chi-chi Nwanoku (Chineke! Orchestra), Aminata Cairo (Hogeschool Den Haag), Rajae El Mouhandiz (ELAE), Eliza Steinbock (Leiden University), Maarten van Veen (Doelen Ensemble), Julian Schaap (Erasmus University), and Teana Boston-Mamma (Willem de Kooning Academy). This was the first such symposium of its kind in the world, and helped to generate many ideas and make great connections to inspire and support diversity initiatives.
Do you have any ideas, wishes, or concerns regarding diversity in the Royal Conservatoire? Please do not hesitate to reach out to us via KonCon Online or one of the committee members.
#diversity #allarewelcome #BeOneofUs #koninklijkconservatorium
Committee Members:
Abel Fazekas
Adri de Vugt
Aparajita Dutta
Blanca Martinez Vilanova
Edurne Ruiz Garcia
Felipe Eusebio Martins
Henk van der Meulen
Inês de Avena Braga
Jaike Bakker
Lisette van de Laak
Marijn Abbink
Nicole Jordan
Suzanne Konings