An ambitious student in the Master of Classical Music programme will naturally want to gain as much as practical experience as possible. That is the objective of the Orchestra Master, a unique Master’s specialisation that we offer in association with the Residentie Orkest: Students who have been admitted to a Master’s course in Classical Music can audition for this course. If you are accepted, you will play full concert programmes with the Residentie Orkest and receive coaching from a member of the orchestra. This mentor will write a report on each project, in which you will also be able to describe your own experiences. At the end of the first year of the course you will have to audition again for admission to the second year.
Students in the programme play in projects with the Residentie Orkest. They receive a reimbursement for their participation in projects of the orchestra.
During the Orchestra Master course you will follow every component of the regular Master’s curriculum: individual lessons in the main subject, as well as subjects concerning research. You will also receive individual lessons in orchestral parts from the teachers of the Royal Conservatoire to help you prepare for auditions.
The Conservatoire organises a wide range of projects that provide training in the specific qualities and skills required to play in an orchestra.
On successful completion of the Orchestra Master you will be placed on the list of stand-ins and will be invited to audition for vacancies with the Residentie Orkest.
75 min/ week
1 year
Master of Music
Tuiton Fees
Department head
Eleonoor Tchernoff